Renowned Nollywood actress, Funke Akindele has been in confused state after seeing the viral photos of Big Brother Naija reality TV star, Liquorose and a look alike lady.
Liquorose, whose real name is Roseline Afije, became one of the trending conversation online after she shared beautiful photos featuring herself and her look alike, Naeomi Nwaokoru.
The duo stepped out in style, dressed in black gorgeous outfits as they walked down the road, holding each other’s hands.
These captivating photos created a viral sensation, leaving social media users puzzled as they struggled to distinguish between the two individuals, questioning who Liquorose truly is.
Funke Akindele, who had recently celebrated the success of her movie, ‘A tribe called Judah‘, also revealed her confusion state as she took to Liquorose’s comment section.
She reacted, “Who is Liquorose pls. I’m confused”.
Checkout the post below here
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