Renowned Nigerian comedian and actor, Richard Ayodeji Makun, popularly known as AY Comedian has celebrated his son, Denzel as he clocked 17 and has triggered mixed reactions online.
AY Makun took to his Instagram page to share beautiful photos of Denzel on his birthday and it left people wondering if the 52-year-old film star has a child out of wedlock.
He went ahead to pray hard for his son, wishing him warmth of love and new adventure as he marked new age.
He wrote, “My son is 17. May each day be a step closer to your dreams, filled with the warmth of love and the thrill of new adventures. Happy birthday, Denzel. Daddy loves you. See you soon”.
His social media post sparked controversy online, with users questioning AY Comedian about the age of his son, considering that historically, AY did not have any male children.
Recall, AY is the oldest male child in his family of seven. He got married to his wife, Mabel Makun in November, 2008 and are blessed with two children, 16-year-old Michelle Makun and 2-year-old Ayomide Makun.
Fans speculated that AY Comedian had an immoral marital affairs with another woman, resulting to the birth of his son, Denzel.
Numerous individuals suggested that AY’s disclosure of having a child outside of wedlock could have triggered his wife Mabel’s recent distressing social media post.
It can be recalled that Mabel cries out on social media, revealing that she passing through some mental abuse.
Checkout his posts below:
Social media users came at AY Comedian as they thronged to comment section with their thoughts.
Some reactions are shown below:
realhonour199 said, “AY, it’s unwîse how this boy doesn’t look like u yet u’re not concerned.More unwîse having a child of 17yrs at ur age.Most unwîse letting him plait hair forgeting this a sign of irresponsibil!ty frm him being m!nor & u being father.This kind of hairstyle can attract bàd gangs when he start living alone in Uni.He may become stubborn,íll-mannered if care isn’t taken.Caution him to balb his hair.Avoid being a bad dad.Bád children turns bád society.Be wise. Don’t be unwîse”.
lynn_la_stupenda said, “He has been with the wife over 17yrs and this isn’t her kid, so how??”.
celi_a2069 said, “No wonder his wife hasn’t been happy”.
officialbigv said, “E shock una Abi? Na so we go de shock una. Nor be everything dem de upload online”.
slimkiki said, “Oga you need to explain better oo please your son from which woman? Because as far as I know it’s only Michael and Ayomide that are your kids so this son is from where? Meanwhile happy birthday son of God”.
melisamikky said, “This 2024 una jst dy shock us😂😂😂”.
smallestbarber said, “He st@le your face, happy birthday to him
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