Ultimate Love reality show’s star, Kachi Ucheagwu, shades Big Brother Naija former housemate, Beauty Tukura, following her lavish 25th birthday party.
Recalled that the disqualified housemate of the BBNaija Season 7 show threw a flamboyant party on the night of the 21st of October, where she was celebrated by friends and colleagues.
Following the birthday party, Kachi Ucheagwu mocked Beauty for excessively showing off as if she was the winner of the show’s edition.
He further added a proverb that justified her disqualification; one which he attributed to pride.
In his tweet he wrote; “With all the razzmatazz last night, one wonder if Beauty was the winner of the show. Pride they say goes before fall. If you don’t understand sarcasm in a tweet, you may wish to consider going back to school”.
“A winner who ought to be celebrated like this is loosing relevance because of pride and arrogance. Gain clarity before using your keyboard“.
See his post below:
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